No university music major or college student has ever received a document like what Jazz Wire members receive. You send in two recordings of yourself playing (don’t worry, it’s easy), and that gets us started on your Playing Evaluation and Practice Plan.


Your Playing Evaluation, based on the two recordings you send us, is where everything begins. Jeff Antoniuk listens to your playing, relative to the Jazz Wire 15 Essentials. These are the 15 elements that Jeff knows are important for any jazz musician to develop, which he has fine-tuned for adult musicians. Jazz Wire is built for adult students, so you’ll get an honest assessment of where you are, from someone who has worked with thousands of adult jazz students over several decades. There is no busy work, and no wasted time and spinning wheels. This is the powerful beginning of a new era in your playing.


Twice a year, you’ll receive a new Practice Plan, a written road map made personally for YOU, based on your Playing Evaluation. This is where the rubber hits the road. Jeff offers input on how to develop your strengths, as well as keen insights on how to work on some areas of your playing that are ready for quick improvement. Supported by video, pdf handouts, downloads, discussions, and of course your Jazz Wire Community and weekly lessons, you’ll have the strongest plan for your musical advancement of your life.


No well-crafted plan or set of good intentions works without the support and the framework to make it all happen. Your Playing Evaluation and Practice Plan doesn’t exist only on your music stand or in your head. At Jazz Wire, you have hundreds of friends and peers, every one of which has their own Practice Plan, their goals and their dreams. Like in the great music schools and universities of the world, the daily support and input from your Jazz Wire Community is the real power behind your Practice Plan and Playing Evaluation. Let’s get moving!