First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Address 1 (required)
Address 2
City (required)
State (required)
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Country (required)
Age (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Phone Number (required)
Instrument: BassDrumsGuitarPianoTrumpetTromboneFluteClarinetSoprano SaxophoneAlto SaxophoneTenor SaxophoneBari SaxophoneVoiceOther
How did you hear about us? TeacherFriendWeb SearchYouTube VideosJazz WireOther
Select your approximate playing level: beginner/noviceintermediateadvanced/semi-pro
Tell us about your playing experience in 3-5 sentences:
Are you a Jazz Wire Member? YesNo
I want to sign up for: Jazz Wire: Pomona, CA USA
I want to sign up for: Session 2 (2pm – 5pm) – $150
Photography Release Form
We love using photos of you at Jazz Wire Workshops! By registering for this event, you are allowing us to have your image considered for use by Jazz Wire. Thank you for acknowledging this below. If you are a minor, BE SURE to have your parents or guardian sign for you.
I hereby give Jazz Wire unrestricted permission to copyright and/or use, and/or publish photographic portraits, pictures or digital images taken of me alone or in a group at any Jazz Wire Workshop.
I acknowledge that the photography session was conducted in a completely proper and highly professional manner, and this release was willingly signed. I certify that I am not a minor, and am free and able to give such consent.
By checking this box, you agree to the photography release above. Parent / Guardian Name (if under 18)
Cancellation Policy
Jazz Wire and Digging Deeper workshop registration is first-come, first-served. If you are unable to attend due to an emergency, you will not receive a refund, but you WILL receive a credit! This credit may be applied to any Jazz Wire workshop within one year (365 days) of its original purchase date. In the case of severe weather, all registered participants will be notified within four (4) hours of the start time regarding a decision to cancel the event. If the event is cancelled, we will reschedule for a future date, and apply your registration toward that date.
By checking this box, you agree to the cancellation policy above.